marți, 17 martie 2009

Fara cuvinte - Alinutza thank you:)

3 comentarii:

Anonim spunea...

This music was given by Lorenz, given to Alinutza , and I am happy, that she shared it with you.
We love the music of nigel Kennedy, the way he plays
classic and modern.
The last piece I gave Alinutza was
the Air by J:S:Bach - wonderful

Diana Cuzic spunea...

Thank you:) I love Nigel Kennedy too...and J:S:Bach...I hope you will stop by and share music with me:)

Anonim spunea...

Diana, nice to get an answer to my comment
And i'd love to stop by and get a taste of moldavian
Life, quite often i fly via buchurest to north east bulgaria
For Business reason. So my latest Music I shared with alina is "Rio" by Jazz trumpet Player Till Broenner, I can hear it day and night and book "Hermann Hesse" Siddharta
And movie "Ichi - the blind Samurai" just started in may.
Dont desitate to use my email: